Is the SASSA R700 Grant Real? The Truth Behind the Government’s Financial Assistance Program

The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) has been at the forefront of social welfare in South Africa. The agency provides grants to millions of citizens who are in need of financial assistance. However, there have been rumors circulating on social media about a new grant that SASSA is allegedly providing. The grant is said to be worth R700, and it has caused a great deal of confusion among the public.

The rumors about the R700 grant have been circulating on social media, with many people sharing the news without verifying its authenticity. The South African Social Security Agency officials have clarified that the agency has never announced the R700 grant. Moreover, SASSA states that there is no additional grant in SASSA policy apart from the official grants offered by the agency. Despite this, the rumors continue to spread, causing confusion and frustration among those who are in need of financial assistance.

In this article, we will examine the validity of the rumors about the SASSA R700 grant. We will look at the official statements from SASSA and other relevant sources to determine whether the grant is real or fake. We will also provide advice on what to do if you come across false information about social welfare grants. By the end of this article, readers will have a clear understanding of the situation and be able to make informed decisions about their financial future.

Is the SASSA R350 Grant Increased to R700?Truth Behind the Rumors

SASSA and Its Role

Understanding SASSA

The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) is a government agency responsible for administering social grants in South Africa. SASSA was established in 2005 to take over the payment of social grants from the Department of Social Development. The agency is responsible for the payment of grants to eligible South African citizens, permanent residents, and refugees.

Functions of SASSA

SASSA’s primary function is to administer social grants to eligible beneficiaries. The agency is responsible for the application, approval, and payment of social grants. SASSA also ensures that the grants are paid on time and that the beneficiaries receive the correct amount of money. The agency is also responsible for the verification of beneficiaries’ eligibility for social grants.

Apart from administering social grants, SASSA is also responsible for the following functions:

  • Providing social relief of distress
  • Developing and implementing policies for social assistance
  • Conducting research on social assistance
  • Providing education and awareness on social assistance

In conclusion, SASSA plays a critical role in providing social assistance to eligible South African citizens, permanent residents, and refugees. The agency is responsible for administering social grants, providing social relief of distress, developing and implementing policies for social assistance, conducting research on social assistance, and providing education and awareness on social assistance.

R700 Grant: An Overview

The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) has been in the news recently due to rumors of a new grant program called the R700 Grant. This grant program has been the subject of much speculation, with many people wondering whether it is real or not. In this section, we will provide an overview of the R700 Grant, including its origins and purpose.

Origins of the R700 Grant

The origins of the R700 Grant are unclear. There have been rumors circulating on social media about the grant, but SASSA has not officially announced it. In fact, SASSA has issued warnings about fake news and advertisements related to the R700 Grant.

Purpose of the R700 Grant

The purpose of the R700 Grant, if it exists, is also unclear. Some rumors suggest that it is a relief voucher program aimed at providing financial assistance to South Africans in need. However, without official confirmation from SASSA, it is impossible to say for sure what the purpose of the R700 Grant is.

In conclusion, the R700 Grant remains shrouded in mystery. While there have been rumors circulating on social media, there is no official confirmation from SASSA that the grant exists. Until SASSA makes an official announcement, it is best to treat any information about the R700 Grant as unverified and potentially false.

Authenticity of the R700 Grant

The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) has warned the public about a fake R700 grant that is being advertised on social media and other platforms. According to SASSA, there is no such grant, and any information about it is false.

Government Announcements

The South African government has not announced any new grants apart from the ones already in place. The government has been providing COVID-19 social relief of distress grants to eligible individuals and households. The grant is meant to provide temporary relief to those who have lost their income due to the pandemic. The grant amount was initially set at R350 but was later increased to R500.

Media Reports

Several media outlets have reported on the fake R700 grant, warning the public to be cautious. The reports have highlighted the fact that scammers are using the grant to trick people into providing their personal information. The scammers then use this information to commit identity theft and other fraudulent activities.

It is important to note that SASSA will never ask for personal information or banking details over the phone or via email. If you receive any communication from SASSA that you are unsure about, it is best to contact them directly to verify its authenticity.

In conclusion, the R700 grant is not real, and any information about it is false. The public is advised to be cautious and to report any suspicious activity to the relevant authorities.

Impact of the R700 Grant

Beneficiaries’ Perspective

The false information about the SASSA R700 Grant has caused confusion and frustration among SASSA beneficiaries who are in dire need of financial assistance. Many people have fallen victim to scams and fraudulent activities, losing their hard-earned money in the process. The spread of misinformation has also caused mistrust and skepticism among beneficiaries, making it difficult for them to trust legitimate SASSA programs.

Economic Implications

The spread of false information about the SASSA R700 Grant has negative economic implications. It can lead to a loss of confidence in the government’s ability to provide financial assistance to those in need, which can ultimately harm the economy. Additionally, the scams and fraudulent activities associated with the false grant can lead to a loss of money for individuals and businesses, further damaging the economy.

It is important for individuals to be cautious and verify information before applying for any SASSA grant or program. SASSA has warned the public about the false R700 Grant and has urged beneficiaries to report any suspicious activities to the authorities. By being vigilant and informed, individuals can help prevent the spread of false information and protect themselves from scams and fraudulent activities.

Potential Scams and How to Avoid Them

Common Scams

The SASSA R700 grant has been a target for scammers, who have been taking advantage of unsuspecting individuals. One common scam involves fraudsters advertising fake R700 grant applications, claiming that recipients are already receiving their payments. These scams are designed to trick people into providing their personal information, such as their ID numbers and bank account details.

Another common scam involves scammers posing as SASSA officials and contacting beneficiaries, claiming that they need to update their details in order to continue receiving their grants. They then ask for sensitive information, such as ID numbers, bank account details, and PIN numbers. Recipients should be aware that SASSA officials will never ask for this information over the phone or via email.

Precautionary Measures

To avoid falling victim to these scams, it is important to remain vigilant and take precautionary measures. The following are some tips to help protect yourself:

  • Be wary of unsolicited phone calls, emails, or text messages claiming to be from SASSA or offering grants.
  • Do not provide personal information, such as your ID number, bank account details, or PIN numbers, to anyone over the phone or via email.
  • Verify any requests for information or updates with SASSA directly by visiting their official website or contacting their offices.
  • Do not click on any links in unsolicited emails or text messages, as they may lead to phishing websites designed to steal your personal information.
  • If you suspect that you have been a victim of a scam, contact SASSA immediately and report the incident to the police.

By remaining vigilant and taking precautionary measures, individuals can help protect themselves from falling victim to these scams and ensure that they receive the benefits they are entitled to.


In conclusion, the SASSA R700 grant is not real. The South African Social Security Agency officials have clarified that the agency has never announced the R700 grant. Moreover, SASSA states that there is no additional grant in SASSA policy apart from the official grants offered by the agency. The misleading message appears to specifically target recipients of the Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant, masquerading as an increase to the grant amount to R700. It is imperative to recognize that the SRD grant remains fixed at R350 per month, with its scheduled termination in March 2024.

Despite the numerous fake advertisements and rumors surrounding the R700 grant, it is important to note that there is no such grant that SASSA offers. The fraudsters are targeting SASSA recipients by advertising the fake grant R700. It is important for recipients to be vigilant and not fall prey to these scams.

In the event that a person comes across a fake advertisement for the R700 grant, they should report it to the authorities immediately. SASSA has warned the public to be cautious of such scams and to verify any information about grants with the agency before taking any action.

In summary, recipients of SASSA grants should be wary of any information about grants that seem too good to be true. The only official grants offered by SASSA are those listed on their website. Any other information about grants that is not listed on the website should be verified with the agency before taking any action.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the SASSA R700 grant?

The SASSA R700 grant is a rumored grant that has been circulating on social media platforms. According to various posts and messages, the grant is meant for South African citizens between the ages of 18 and 35. However, SASSA has confirmed that this is a fake grant, and there is no such thing as an R700 grant.

How do I apply for the SASSA R700 grant?

Since the SASSA R700 grant is not real, there is no application process for it. SASSA has not announced any new grants, and the only grant currently available is the R350 grant.

What are the eligibility criteria for the SASSA R700 grant?

Since the SASSA R700 grant is not real, there are no eligibility criteria for it. However, to be eligible for the R350 grant, you must be a South African citizen or permanent resident, be unemployed, and not receive any other social grants or UIF benefits.

When will the SASSA R700 grant be paid out?

Since the SASSA R700 grant is not real, there is no payment schedule for it. However, the R350 grant is paid out monthly, and beneficiaries receive their payments on different dates depending on their region.

Has the SASSA R350 grant been increased to R700?

No, the SASSA R350 grant has not been increased to R700. The grant amount remains at R350 per month.

Is the SASSA R700 grant a one-time payment or monthly?

Since the SASSA R700 grant is not real, there is no payment schedule for it. However, if it were real, it is unclear whether it would be a one-time payment or a monthly payment.

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